... and so that time has come for me here at Roll 'Bama Roll.
Hard to believe how far this has progressed from where it all started, armed with little more than a nom de guerre and a few loose thoughts on a subject that garners far too much of my time, attention, and emotion. A few short weeks later Todd and Nico invited me to join Roll 'Bama Roll as a writer, and things have just exploded from there. When this blog started, we generated barely 1,000 visitors a day and were essentially an echo chamber. In the years since then traffic and user interaction have multiplied exponentially, and, surprisingly enough, commentary and analysis on RBR has become an authority of sorts on the subject of Alabama football. None of us, and certainly not myself, ever expected anything like this when we all began long ago.
As we all know, though, responsibilities, perspectives, and priorities invariably change over time. And, for myself, I have reached a point where the rewards of the writing, whether personal or pecuniary, have become far outweighed by the time and painstaking effort required to consistently produce the quality work product that we all expect. The time has simply come to turn focus and attention to other endeavors.
Accordingly, moving forward beyond today I will no longer be writing at Roll ‘Bama Roll. Perhaps I will get the scrivener’s itch again and resume writing sometime in the future, but for now I have no such intentions, either here at RBR or elsewhere. I will still be around on Twitter and can be reached through e-mail, but that will be the extent of my writing.
Hope you all have enjoyed the ride as much as I have.
Roll Tide