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Back To The Future - Say Hi To Our Newest Writers

We've had a few changes here at RBR, but they will hopefully only benefit you.

Our buddies at RockMNation

Hi guys and gals.

We aren't going to make a big thing of this, and as you have noticed with Bammer and Slice stepping down, others have inevitably filled the void those competent gentlemen left behind. Importantly, we thank them for their service.

So, what's going to change? Not much from what you've seen the past 2-3 months. Josh Chatham (formerly known as JTad), CB969 and I will still be editing, scheduling, taking over the JP, moderating threads, dropping the banhammer on trolls, etc.

We're all long-stickers, so to speak, and want this to be a fun place, an inclusive one, and truly a community. Want to fuss about politics? Fine. We used to do that. A few naughty words on occasion? Okay. No f'bombs outside of game threads is still in effect. Polite (and not-so-polite) disagreements? Great: we have a big tent. Relax, say hi, read, and interact. Respect others, play nicely when you can, and get chided when you can't. This is, after all, no one's is everyone's passion.

To that end, we've got three new faces covering some sports that have blossomed and united us all, even in the dark football offseason. BamaGymReport will be taking over gymnastics reporting. You seem to enjoy their work to date, and that is fantastic. Expect more of that. Lucas Rhoden, a student at the Capstone will be covering your non-revenue sports -- scholarship athletics like track and field, rowing, etc., as well as club teams (hockey, rugby, and the like.) Lucas is a Sports Journalism major and an excellent writer. Finally, we welcome back RollTideYall, who has transitioned from gym to covering the Pat Murphy Death Star that is Alabama softball.

If you have any questions of the new folks, or have suggestions on what you'd like to see, feel free to drop them in the comments.

That's it. Enjoy yourselves townies, Gumps, sidewalks, alums, sports fans, casual viewers alike. This is your place. As always, feel free to shoot us an email (check the masthead for individual addresses) to give us private feedback.

Roll Tide -Erik