
Alabama will meet with keenan allen this evening.


Alabama will meet with keenan allen this evening.

Twitter: Andrew Bone Bo Davis will be visiting Keenan Allen in his home tonight. I fully expect that, regardless of whether or not we find out publicly right away, this meeting will resolve the Allen situation one way or the other. Either he affirms his commitment to us or he goes elsewhere, and by the end of the night our staff should know. If he chooses to go elsewhere, pay close attention to Menzie because that is who we will almost certainly turn to. If you see hints of a committing from him, you can about bet your bottom dollar that Allen is gone. Also, as Gentry Estes posts, it looks more and more like Allen and his brother will play together at the next level, so the only way to get Allen may be to offer his brother too. Frankly, while I suppose that's possible, I would personally be shocked if Saban agreed to do that. If that happens, I suppose we'll have signed ol' Reuben Randle after all. P.S. I have read nothing indicating that Jim McElwain would be visiting Allen as well, and I would imagine that he would tag along to get a first-hand look at his new quarterback prospect if we indeed were going to offer Maynard.